Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vitamin G!

All the credit goes to Andrea for this post. She referenced Vitamin G in a comment on Mishmash Maggie's blog and it really inspired me.

I never thought of my time with God like taking a multivitamin, but it is. I need my vitamin D supplement to keep my moods even and to protect my body from a variety of diseases, and my calcium to keep my bones strong, how much more then do I need my Vitamin G?

On the days that I spend time with God I am calmer, and more centered. I feel more prepared to handle whatever comes my way. I know that I am not out there alone trudging along through life. God is always in me and with me giving me the tools that I need to navigate my world.

Have you had your Vitamin G today?

Again, thanks Andrea for the inspiration!



Anonymous said...

You are such an encourager!

Keep fighting the good fight. You are such a sweetie and I know the Lord is probably working so many things out in you. I just pray that you will be able to receive all that He has for you in this season with little ones and health that you can just grow leaps and bounds in your walk with the Lord.

Big Hug

Kim said...

(((Hugs )))))back atcha Ann! I love the comments you leave on facebook and Mishmash. You inspire me and make me think about life differently. Thak you so much!