In the past week we've done at least a months worth of things. I'm pooped! We all are. Yawnnnnn.... Do you know how that feels. It's like feast or famine for us. Either we are really bored, no activity, getting in each other's way, or there's too much to do and it all needs to be done yesterday. Thankfully, God knows when we need a rest and grants us that at just the right time. Until then, it's pedal to the metal full speed ahead!
Tigger and Winnie have grown and changed so much this summer. Tigger, our youngest, is a light and a "tension breaker" for all of us. Everyone who meets her walks away happier and lighter than they were a few minutes before. She's hilarious, engaging, open, friendly, and basically just the coolest kid ever! She has all of the confidence and charisma of her older sisters combined (and they have a ton of charisma and confidence). Winnie, our middle daughter, has also grown in confidence this year. She is our more shy and quiet one, if you can even call her that. By most people's standards, she's not quiet or shy, however, by our standards, she is the quietest and most sensitive of the bunch. She still stays close to mom and dad, but is learning to speak her mind and stand up for herself around kids her own age. She is very tender-hearted and cares deeply about others.
I love that 3-4 year old age. They are very concerned about boo-boos and doctors and taking care of themselves and others. Winnie and her friends are forever doctoring each other's "owee's" and checking ears', noses and throats, applying compresses and listening to heart beats. At any given time you can find on our front lawn or a neighbor's lawn a triage center set up with 4 year olds sprawled all over it waiting to be "healed".
At our recent neighborhood end of year bbq the children were all out playing together well past their normal bedtimes, and loving it. There was music playing and our neighbors had strung white lights up in the trees over the top of the street. It was quite pretty and warm out and everyone was having a really good time visiting and catching up on the summer's events. If your neighborhood doesn't do something like this I strongly recommend organizing one. It is so much fun and not too much effort. Anyway...One little 2 1/2 year old boy (whom we know well and is friends with Tigger) came up to Tigger and said, "Do you wanna dance?" Tigger said, "Yeaaaaahhhh!" and the two of them started dancing to the music. They were holding hands and jumping and having the best time! Look out mom and dad, time to bring the chaperone's in!

Oh, they grow up so fast!