Did you know that an adult Kangaroo can hop up to 30 feet? That's one BIG hop! We finished up our Kangaroo week with a hopping competition.
The girls, armed with colored chalk, took turns hopping from a standstill and then marking their spots. Each of them hopped about 3 feet.
Then they tried running jumps to see how much farther they could go. It turns out about to be about 4 1/2 feet.
We then measured 30 feet, which was all the way across our street!
Next, we played a rousing game of hopscotch (still hopping:-))
We learned that Kangaroo babies are called Joey's and that a Kangaroo momma keeps her Joey safe in her pouch. We asked, "Would a Joey say to it's momma, ' Momma, I don't want to be safe in your pouch' I want to run around and do whatever I want. I am not afraid of the wild animals!'?" We agreed that no, if a Joey could talk, he would never say that. He would want to be safe in his momma's pouch.
We discussed how sometimes we say to God, "God, we don't want to follow your rules. We want to run around and do whatever we want. "
Then the girls and I discussed what can happen when we do not obey God's rules. When we are not IN God, we can get hurt, or hurt other people with our harsh words and actions. God has rules in place to keep us safe because He loves us. When we are IN God's Word daily, we are safe. Just like the momma Kangaroo has rules for the baby Joey to keep him safe because she loves him and wants was best for him. A baby Joey is safest when it is in it's momma's pouch.
The girls learned that God loves us and knows what is best for us, and that we are safe when we are in God.
Now, on to Week 18 and Zebras!