Saturday, February 12, 2011

My evangelists

Let me start with this: I've never been comfortable evangelizing. At least not in the formal sense of the word. I think that is why I find what is going on with my girls so cool!

God amazes me every day in so many ways. Homeschooling my Littles provides me with an ongoing view of the way the Holy Spirit is working in their hearts and lives, every day with people they encounter along the way. Not only that, but the Lord is also opening my eyes so that I can see Him working in my oldest daughter's life as well.

Each week through our curriculum, My Father's World, my little girls learn more about God's character, His love for them, and Jesus' love for the whole world.

Each week, my girls go with me to where I work at a local athletic club. Two days/week I drop them off at the childcare area and then go and park my car and walk in by myself. One day/week we park at an off site employee lot and walk in together. It is during these walks that my girls have the opportunity to tell others about Jesus. And they do it with gusto!

Last week, we walked in with a wonderful lady. The girls asked her question after question. It went something like this:

Ava and Sophia, "Hi!"

My friend, "Hi girls. How are you today!"

Sophia, "Did you know that Jesus died for our sins?"

Ava, "Did you know that we can't hide from God?"

Sophia, "What church do you go to?"

My friend, "Well, I don't go to church."

Sophia, "Why? You should come to our church!"

My friend smiled and looked at me. I just smiled and shrugged:-)

The conversation continued along these same lines all the way into the building. I'm sure my friend will not soon forget that walk!

Yesterday, we again parked off site. As we were getting out of the car the girls spotted another coworker of mine. They squealed with delight and tripped over each other to run, give her a hug, and start in with the questions:

Ava and Sophia, "Hi!"

My friend, "Well, good morning girls! "

Ava, " I like your flower." My friend had a purple flower in her hair.

My friend, "Why thank you Ava. It's my daughter's. I'm borrowing it."

Sophia, " Did you know that when we get grumpy, that makes Satan happy?"

My friend, "What was that?" glancing at me.

(Sophia repeated herself more clearly)

My friend, "Oh really?"

Ava, "Mm hm. Satan, likes it when we argue. We don't want to make Satan happy. Satan was an angel. He thought he was better than God. No one is better than God. God kicked him out of heaven and a bunch of other bad angels went with him."

Sophia, "Is your house built on rock or sand?"

My friend, "What do you mean Sophia?"

Sophia, "I want my house built on rock. Then it will be STRONG" she shows her muscle arms.

Sophia, "I don't want it built on sand. Then it will go CRASH!"

My friend, "Ok Sophia." With a grin she looks over their heads at me. I smile and shrug.

After I had been at work a while, My friend came up to me and said, "Julie (another coworker), just told me she is feeling grumpy today. I told her that Sophia said when we are grumpy that makes Satan happy and we don't want to do that!"

My oldest, Paige, recently had an opportunity to go serve the homeless community in our city. It was an amazing experience that God has been preparing her for her entire life. Her maturity and willingness to wash their feet and listen to them talk just blew my mind. She was able to see them as people, just like us. She was not afraid. She was not grossed out. She was excited to be there and to wash feet. She said that was why she came.

God's timing is always perfect and this was no exception. On the way to the event, Paige confided in me some struggles she was having. It was really hard for me to hear what she was saying because it broke my heart and surprised me. I didn't have a lot of time to react because we were almost at our destination, but God kept me calm, and allowed me to only show her love and concern. Then I sent her out into the world to serve others.

When she came back from this experience, she was changed. It opened her eyes up to how good she has it and how much other people suffer. God used this experience to ignite an ember in her that had burning low for some time. Paige wants to be a doctor, she wants to help people. We are not sure yet, what that will look like when she grows up, but this experience confirmed to all of us that she is on the right track.

Our oldest's journey has not always been easy on any of us. She's the first pancake. All the decisions we have made for her have been firsts. Along with that comes a little fear and trepidation. We always want what is best for her, and we want desperately for her to grow up and decide to choose for herself to know and love the Lord.

I know that she is of an age now, where that choice is hers. We cannot make it for her. We have done all that we can to make sure she knows Jesus, knows His character, His love for her, His heart for her. Now I have to turn her over to Him. After all, she's been His all along.

My role has changed subtly. I'm still mom. Dad's still dad-the head of the house. The leader. However, now we are slowly letting her make her own choices with our guidance, but not always our insistence. She has to grow the muscles of discernment, faith, prayer, turning to God on her own. She is still pretty weak, but she's getting stronger. I can see it.

Several wonderful women have reminded me to pray for my oldest. I recently heard that message again loud and clear. I dusted off a book a friend gave me a while ago called, "Praying God's Will for My Daughter" by Lee Roberts. It is a book of simple, straightforward prayers sorted by topic. I have found it to be very helpful and effective.

And so I find myself in this new season. Feeling very blessed and loved by God. He doesn't have to show me all of this, but He does it anyway because He loves me. I am a little afraid. It's all that unknown business that keeps me coming back to Jesus, on my knees in prayer. I know He's got us. I know He loves us. And really, that's all I need to know right now.

Just ask my girls.