Monday, December 15, 2008

Cooking, baking,eating, Oh MY!!!

For the love of Pete, I can't believe how much baking and cooking I've done over the past few days! It's been super fun, but super exhausting as well. Not to mention that I think the clan may be starting to believe that this is the new "normal" around here. Good food, good smells, mom in the kitchen all the time. Um, NOT! As much as I do enjoy puttering about the kitchen making all this "feel good", "down home" , "comfort food", my belly absolutely does not love it even a little bit!

Oh the stories my expanding belly could tell of all the places it's seen along it's travels from slim to pudgey!

Water? Water? Must. drink. more. water. and. eat. less. sugar!

Help!!!!!! What to do with a preschooler, toddler and middle school child home all at once, stuck inside due to extremely cold temps (it's like 21 degrees outside now and it didn't get much above 25 degrees today). Even so, we did play in the snow for about an hour or so, and I went to the grocery store and bought a ton of said comfort food described above (because one can never have too much of it!).

Tomorrow is another day of no middle school, no preschool, no gym, and freezing cold temps outside. To prepare, I went and bought Tigger this adorable little outfit today:

This will definitely help her to enjoy the freezing, bone chilling, teeth chattering cold that we are experiencing right now.

So, tomorrow, God willing, we will brave the outdoors again and have fun!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let it snow!

It's our first day of snow for the year!!!!! The weather people have been talking about this storm all week, but they said it would come on Saturday. Saturday came and went, and although it was really cold, there was no snow in sight. Sunday morning arrived, and as we all opened our tired eyes with expectations of snow at around 6:00 am, there was still no snow. Bummer...


The dog started pacing.

The kitty started playing.

Little feet started scampering downstairs.

Christopher Robin gave me a nudge and whispered, "Honey, it's snowing!"

What!!!!! I opened my eyes again (this time it was 8:00 am) and looked out our bedroom window and saw large white fluffy pieces of cotton floating gently down to the ground. Snow!

I quickly got up and before I could make it downstairs I was met by a super hyper, snow-excited Winnie running to greet me with a lightening speed description of all that was happening and that she was going wear her pretty purple dress to church (the sleeveless summer dress) and that, "Mommy, it's snowing outside!" followed by an excited giggle and squeak.

It's been an hour now. Everyone has tummies full of pancakes and apple cider and if you look out any of our windows you will see white. Everywhere. The temperature outside has dropped 4 degrees and the big fluffy pieces of cotton have turned to smaller pieces of floating sugar cubes. Church has been canceled and it looks like the purple dress will have to be worn on another day because...

It's Snowing!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!! Thank you God for brightening up our gray world today with a beautiful, soft white blanket. It's just what I needed!

Have a wonderful day!
