Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day!

Today is Easter. Children everywhere colored and hunted for eggs. Many went to church for the first time. Some did not go to church, but instead went to family and friends homes to share a meal and fellowship.

Today, we celebrated Jesus death and subsequent rise from the grave. With enthusiasm and joy we spent time together as a family with our church family and then went to my grandmother's home and spent the afternoon with my Grandma, Mom, Step Dad, and Mother-in-law. We ate good food, laughed, prayed and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

I believe this is the first year that we did not mention the Easter Bunny. We put out baskets and colored eggs. We had a little hunt at my Grandma's house. However, the girls knew that it was mom or dad, grandma or grandpa who hid the eggs and gave them their little Easter gifts. It was truly refreshing to be real with them. The cards they received from us talked about celebrating the gift of salvation and forgiveness that God gave us through Jesus Christ on this day. They ate candy, ran around like crazy wild things, and had a total blast.

We prayed for our family and friends that we didn't get to see today. You were in our thoughts and we hope that your day was blessed and full of the joy, happiness and love.

In Him,


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