Are those leaves on the ground? Clouds in the sky? Where are my slippers? My feet are a little cold this morning. It feels like my favorite time of year is approaching and I am giddy with anticipation. I love Autumn. The cool, crisp air that seems to clear your lungs and leaves you feeling all sparkly inside when you draw in a deep breath. I love sitting at the computer in my slippers and drinking my hot coffee in the morning and not sweating while doing so.
I also love what the coming of this season means. Traditions, holidays, Jesus' birthday, spending time with family cuddled by the fire, reading good books, cooking yummy food that fills the whole house with delicious scents. This time of year brings back happy memories for me of growing up in Christian Valley in Northern California. In this area we would lose electricity a couple of times during the winter and I'd get to play out my dreams of being Laura Ingalls Wilder. My "Pa" would build a fire in the wood burning stove we had, while "Ma" would put a stew on it to cook all day. We'd light a lantern and candles and play board games and eat homemade popcorn (not the microwave kind). We would talk and laugh and I'd go to bed with the stories I'd read that night in my head, and full of my daydreams of living on the prairie. I loved those times. I felt safe, cared for, loved, and the memories we made will stay with me forever.
I suppose it's because of those memories that, as an adult, I love this time of year so much. Now, my family lives close in to town and we rarely lose electricity. We don't have a wood burning stove, but instead a gas burning fireplace. I couldn't tell you where the lantern is (probably with the camping gear covered in dust in the garage somewhere) and I'm running low on my candle supply. However, the memories we are making with our children are just as precious. Because my girls are growing up in Oregon instead of California, we get to watch the most amazing lightning storms. We sit at our family room windows and cuddle under blankets while the fire is lit and count the seconds between flashes of lightening and the deep rumble of thunder. We bring the dog in because he's a big scaredy cat and he tries to climb up on the couch with us (the "no dogs on the couch" rule gets relaxed a bit at these times) and we thank God for the thunder and the lightening and the show that we get to watch. It's better than anything on TV!
Also, because we live in an area that experiences all the seasons with gusto, we get to enjoy watching the fall leaves transition from deep green to light green, light green to yellow, orange and red, before they fall to the ground. We get to watch the field outside our house turn from grassy green to hayfield yellow as the temperatures begin to drop. Even our red Golden Retriever seems to change to a fall color this time of year!
As I prepare my heart, mind and spirit for this new season, I look forward to my morning time with the Lord. During the summer I have been remiss in my meetings with Him, and I miss that time. But, when the weather turns cold and my slippers go on my feet, I can't help but curl up on the couch, cup of coffee in hand, with my favorite bible. It's been decorated by Winnie which made me cry at first, but now I look at with fondness. I grab my journal, my pencil and a blanket and prepare my heart to meet with my Father in heaven. This time of year, I feel closest with Him. Not because he's ever far away, but because I pay the closes attention when the weather drives me in.
Thank you God for Autumn. Thank you for the seasons all throughout the year. Thank you for the memories that we are making with our children and the time we have together now to minister to them and to others. I pray that all who read this will find joy in this new season of the year and will praise you Lord for the beauty of all that you have created. Amen
Well put! I feel the same way about autumn. Must be trained in from school. September comes and I feel like I have a fresh, new start. Thanks for the reminder.
I'm going to go look for my slippers ;)
Great work, Kim. Your blog is visually and verbally appealing and I love how you weave your story and then give God the glory. Keep it up.
If you want to see my blog, it's at
Blessings to you,
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