The girls and I have enjoyed this year of school. Not in the same way as last year, but still, it has been a good year. So much ground has been covered for both of them. They are both reading, writing, doing math, memorizing all the books of the Bible and bodies of water that were important in the Old Testament, drawing maps, learning about weather patterns, our solar system, and the water cycle. They measured the size of Noah's Ark, started ant hills, captured a caterpillar and planted gardens. We went on bike rides, hikes, camping trips, and to the beach. It has been a pretty eventful year of learning, and we are not done yet!
We still have about 2 months left before we wrap up for the summer. However, I feel like I am just hitting my stride. The first half of this school year was more work than fun for me. So much of my energy, and thoughts were on Cambodia. I learned that, according to my husband, I do not compartmentalize well. Hmph!
I have been home for 5 weeks and can say with confidence that I am back physically, emotionally, and spiritually. However, I came back from Cambodia changed. I have a stronger sense of purpose than I did when I left. My relationship with Jesus has deepened, matured, grown.
Upon returning, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin here at home. I felt out of place, discontent, frustrated. It took several weeks for that to slowly change into a greater sense of purpose, focus, and true appreciation for all that I have. I have found that it is so important to be content right where I am. I look for God's handiwork in my life no matter what I am going through.
I now ask God questions all throughout the day. I did not do that before Cambodia. I used to not want to bother God with my "silly" questions, but as it turns out, He desires for me to ask those questions. He wants to be in relationship with me all the time, and part of being in a relationship is communicating, asking questions, sharing my deepest feelings, thoughts, ideas and then sitting still and listening to Him. I regret that I did not do that nearly often enough before Cambodia.
As I learn to ask God more questions, I am also learning to appreciate the multitude of questions my girls ask me throughout the day. It can be exhausting sometimes, but when I am patient and give them my attention, answering those questions can be incredibly rewarding as well.
On the subject of school, I decided to start teaching the girls Spanish. I am not fluent in Spanish by any stretch of the imagination, however, I know a little, and more importantly I know a lot of people who are fluent in Spanish! So, I took the advice of a mom more experienced that I am in this area, and I purchased a few immersion workbooks for the girls to start with . So far the girls like them a lot and I have found them easy to teach from. Here is some of what we are using:

We are on Day 95 with My Father's World 1st Grade. Last week the girls began the New Testament, which was very exciting for them! The can now recite all of the books of the Bible up to 2 Corinthians. Soon, I will be posting a video of them singing the song they have learned. That is if they let me:-)
And with that, I will say good bye for now.
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