Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 3 First Grade and Kindergarten


Proverbs 21:23   He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.

The first questions the girls asked was:  What does calamity mean?  I looked up the verse on Blue Letter Bible   Calamity in Hebrew is Tsarah meaning straits, distress, trouble.

Well, yikes!  The girls looked worried.  We talked about how God wants us to be careful what we say because our words have the power to hurt others and to hurt ourselves.  What a wonderful lesson for two sisters to learn!

Sophia working on her play dough letters

The girls learned that the Bible is comprised of 66 separate books.  We gathered 66 skinning books and stacked them up.  Then we separated them into an Old Testament stack of 39 books and a New Testament stack of 27 books.  The girls counted and compared the stack with how tall our Bible is:-)
The also learned what a Table of Contents is and how to use it.  In a couple of weeks we will begin memorizing the books of the Bible!

Science and Nature

We started our week with a nature walk hunting for pretty flowers with brightly colored leaves to press.  We also collected flower petals to make ink out of.

The pressing and the ink making turned out ok.  We will be checking our pressed flowers in a couple of weeks.  The ink really just ended up looking more like dirty water, but they sure had fun destroying the pretty petals!

We also did a bean experiment this week to learn about the components of a seed.  We used pinto beans.  Early in the week they observed and drew pictures of the dry pinto beans.

We discussed what they are made of:  The outer covering or Seed Coat and the two halves or the cotyledons (they struggled with pronouncing that one!) and then the tiny plant inside. 

We then soaked our beans and placed them between two wet paper towels and wrapped the whole bundle up in tin foil.  Then we set our packet on the window sill to wait, and wait and wait!
After 2 days we checked the beans.  They were wet, a little larger (swollen from the water) and the outer shell was separating from the bean.  All of this was interesting, but not terribly dramatic.

Then we waited a few more days...or rather,  mom forgot all about checking that little tinfoil packet on the window sill for 4 more days:-)

I took a peek at it yesterday and was thrilled to see that big changes had occurred!  I got the girls and we sat at the kitchen table for the big reveal.   I reminded the girls what the beans looked like six days before by showing them a dry bean.  Small, hard, oval, brown.  

Then we opened the foil and voila!  We had bean sprouts!!!  They gasped and squealed enthusiastically to see the change that had taken place.  So cool!

Here are their science journal papers:


Their work area

Other activities

We rode our bikes into town to Jamba Juice.  The ride was a great opportunity to practice road safety and get some outside exercise on a nice sunny day while we still have them!  

The girls chose Skittles smoothies and I tried the new Pumpkin Smash.  We all really liked the Pumpkin Smash smoothie, although Ava's favorite was the Skittle smoothie:-)
 Soccer games started this week!  Both girls are playing this year so Rob and I are running back and forth between games.  We all had a lot of fun!  Sadly, I didn't take very many soccer pictures this week.  Hopefully I will be more on the ball next week!
Tumbling and swimming happened as well, but no pictures to post.  I will try to remember to take some this week.  Ava is becoming quite accomplished at gymnastics doing her first round off this week and completing both forward and backward walkovers, among other things.  Sophia just started her swim lessons up again and is loving every minute in the water!

I hope you all are enjoying this late summer weather! 



Lainie said...

What a great week! Yes, guarding against calamity is good! I think you should link this post up in the MFW highlights! It would be a blessing to others. :)

Kim said...

Hi Lainie,
How do I link it up? Where do I do that at? I am so bad at these Linky things:-)

Can you call me and explain? Thanks!

Kattie said...

We loved science with the beans last year! Thanks for linking up and sharing your week :0)

Monica said...

The science journal pages are so cute! Looks like the kids are enjoying their school week.

Kim said...

Monica, they did! The journal was a spur of the moment decision so it's not very fancy, but they liked it so much that I think we will continue with it.