Monday, January 17, 2011

Decision made

A few weeks ago, Rob and I were driving home from one of our outings without the kids (gasp!) when I asked him his thoughts about school for next year. There was a short pause then,

Rob: "I thought we had already decided this."
Me: "We did? What was the decision?"
Rob: "That you would continue to homeschool, until you didn't want to do it anymore."
Me: "Really? Are you sure?"
Rob: "Yes, Is that ok with you?"
Me: "Absolutely!"

So, it looks like we are in this for the long haul, and I couldn't be happier. I know that there will be many challenges along the way, but as long as Rob and I are united then i know we are in God's will and therefore, under His covering and all is well with our little world!

Now, to finish MFWK. We just started Lesson 16 /Pp/ Penguins. We talked about how the daddy penguin takes care of the baby penguin for such a long time without food and protects him from the cold. The girls were really struck by the sacrifice of the father for the child. What an awesome segue into how much our heavenly Father loves us and that He sacrificed His son for us! He loves us that much!

Thank you God for the opportunity to teach my girls at home about your love for them. Amen.


Cindie said...

Oh, I can't wait to do MFW K this summer!

Kim said...

Cindie, You are going to LOVE it! I think it's so funny that I love it as much as I do. I feel like I am getting to do K again myself but from a totally different perspective than when I was a child. The bible is interwoven throughout everything we do and that is just about the coolest thing ever! Praise the Lord that he directed us to this curriculum. It is so sweet and gentle, yet it covers everything a K-er needs to know. Love it!