However, one of the most recent exciting events to happen around here lately is that little Whinnie has lost her 2 front teeth! One right after the other! They have been loose for quite a while...I mean REALLY loose. The other night Whinnie came up to me in the kitchen and asked,
"Mom, can I have a paper towel... puhleeese?"
"Sure hon, here you go."
"Thanks mom"
Then a few minutes later she walks up to me all excited and says,
"Look, my tooth came out!"
"What? Did you pull it out yourself?"
"Well, Dad helped me..."
Apparently, my husband was walking by the bathroom and saw her trying to pull her own tooth out. He stopped and watched for a minute and then asked her if she wanted him to help her. She said, "Ok" and stuck her chin out so he could get a good grip, and out the tooth popped! It hardly bled and she was SO brave!
She's only 4 1/2 and she's already lost her first 2 teeth. The permanent teeth have started coming in too. They grow up so fast!
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