Along with the glorious sunshine, however, comes some not so glorious critters.
Bee's, spiders, and...ah, ah-choo! Allergies. These are NOT a few of my favorite things!
I guess that's why I tend to prefer the cold weather over the hot. When it's cold there are no bee's to torment me, spiders to scare the girls, and definitely no ah-ah-choo, allergies.
Even so, the sun is a welcome change from our usual gray cloudy days. I've even gotten outside a bit with the girls to play and do some yard work. Everything smells so good.
We were up to visit friends in Seattle last weekend and got to enjoy the sun with them. As our girls get older we find that traveling is getting easier. These friends also have children around the same age as Tigger and Winnie so this visit was really fun because all of the kids played really well together.
Roo went with Christopher Robin, Toby and K to a comic book convention, or "Comicon" as it's called in the biz. They had a really good time and Roo even got a signed original sketch from one of the artists there. Way cool!
Meanwhile, I got to do a little shopping with Nicole. I rarely get to shop for myself, so this was a special treat for me. I bought a new handbag, necklace and earrings. Go me! I am terrible at accessorizing, so it took a little work for me to choose these items. I know, I'm living life dangerously. Baby steps to coolness, baby steps.
For me, this was the best trip I've had in a while. My new way of eating and taking vitamin D have drastically changed my overall outlook on life. I'm so much more positive, outgoing and energetic. I just plain feel good. I feel calmer, far less stressed out, and I don't get worked up over things as easily as I used to. It's great!
Here are a few pictures of the kids from our weekend:
Winnie and K hanging out on the couch. Aren't they cute!
The girls: Winnie, E, and Tigger. They should form their own girl band. They ROCK!
More picture's to come later. I'm having some technical difficulties uploading the rest of the photos.
Have a wonderful day and enjoy the sun if it's up where you are!
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