Around here, it is common to hear someone say, "Tigger, what do you have in your mouth? Spit it out right now!" She's 2 1/2 and still likes to put things in her mouth.
So, yesterday, while I was sitting on the sofa, little Miss Tigger comes bouncing up to me holding her sippy cup in one hand. I looked at her face and noticed that her cheeks were puffed out and her mouth tightly shut. So, I said like I always do, "Tigger, what do you have in your mouth? Spit, it out!"
She rarely obeys the first time. But yesterday she promptly, and a bit smugly I think, spit out what was in her mouth. Water. In one, long arc it came shooting out at me and hit me in the chest. She then grinned from ear to ear, slurped up the left over water dribbling from her chin, and bounced down the hall on a new adventure. Meanwhile, there I sat with a wet shirt, stifling a laugh, shaking my head.
Ya' gotta love her.
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