Tigger is my youngest daughter. She is 2 1/2. She was a suprise gift to us from God. To be honest, it took me a large part of my pregnancy to get used to the idea of having another child. To me, it felt like our family was already complete and I couldn't imagine how we would manage with another child. But God knew. He knew what was missing and he knew all along that we needed her. Our family was not complete until she was born.
Tigger is a light of laughter and silliness in this family. Every day she makes me laugh and warms my heart. And it's not just me. Even preteen Eeyore giggles and gets silly around Miss Tigger. So, I thought I would share just a little bit of the silliness that goes on around here.
Upon noticing the enormous lit up snow man in Grandma's front yard Tigger replied, "Come on! Yet's go check it out!" She then walked slowly around it inspecting all of it's parts, " Oooo, nice hat, BIG nose!" and nodded her approval. We then pointed out the two penguins nearby. She sqealed with delight and ran over to take a look. " Oooo, Pinkins!" She said. "Nice hat, BIG nose!" She proudly commented on the similar attributes between the penguins and the snowman. Then, with a sharp nod, she marched off to her other important inspector jobs.
Tigger has only two speeds. Dead stop and full sprint. She runs everywhere. No walking in her world. Not only does she run, but she runs with utter abandon. Everything jiggles and bounces from her curls to her belly, and her squeals seem to fuel her speed. It's hilarious, and usually encourages others to run with her.
Tigger greets almost everyone with an excited, "Hi!" and a wave. Sometimes you even get a hug. Grandma, Grandpa, the family, friends at work, strangers at Fred Meyer all get the same greeting. We always leave the check out clerk smiling and waving like they are a new member of our family. That's Tigger. Everyone feels important and included when she is around.
The flip side to Tigger is that she doesn't share well and let's the world know about it when she doesn't get her way. She has this shreak that can shatter windows and cause everyone to come running only to find her standing in the middle of the room tugging at her sweater with all her might trying to get it off and shreaking while doing so.
When she is done eating, she still sometimes throws her food to let us know. It's quite effective, but messy. Lately, as she is learning to "use your words" more she has moved to this new hybrid phase of throwing her food WHILE using her words and say, "I'm done!" ***sigh***It's progress.
I'm so thankful that God gave us Tigger. Tigger's charisma and charm add so much to our family. I can't imagine life without her.
Have a blessed day!
Just reading this post made me want to run with her and see the Pinkins!!
Okay, I recognize THAT wig!!! What a doll your Tigger is! Tami
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