God has placed it on our hearts (and my mom's too) to change our focus this year. So, instead of going gift crazy, we are going to switch things up on Christmas day in an attempt to break up our gift opening frenzy, and place the focus where we believe it should be: On Jesus' birth, and on loving each other. Normally, we wake up early to see what "Santa" has brought and then proceed to spend the next couple of hours opening presents, playing with said presents, eating breakfast, calling family, and then perhaps going in for round 2 of opening more presents (yes, it really is that bad). Granted, not all of the presents are from mom and dad, but many of them are. Too many. Each year, we say we are going to cut back because we always overdo it and don't want our girls to get spoiled or expect such extravagant gifts, and each year we do more than we plan. (Again, I know you're out there...can you relate?
In our defense, we do not buy much for the girls throughout the year. We save up for birthdays and Christmas. However, it is just getting to be too burdensome to give them everything at Christmas. Also, we are starting to buy them more throughout the year as the need arises while still buying them a lot at Christmastime too. Totally ridiculous and totally missing the point, I know.

So, this year, in honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are going to celebrate His life by starting new traditions. We are praying for discernment as to how to do that in a way that honors Him and brings joy to our children's lives on this overly commercialized holiday. This will be a big undertaking because both Christopher Robin and I were raised with traditional Santa Claus, presents under the Christmas tree, Christmases, and have wonderful memories of those holidays. And, old habits die hard.
But, God...

I trust God and put my faith in Him. I want my children to do the same.
I'm still not exactly sure what Christmas will look like this year at the Hundred Acre Wood, but one thing I do know for sure: God is good. All the time. We will prayerfully consider how he would have us "do Christmas" this year. If you haven't done that before, won't you join me?
Have a fabulous day!
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