Saturday, October 11, 2008

Feel The Burn!

I started running again two days ago at the gym. I've had a lot of stops and starts over the past year, but I really am motivated and want to get back into running again SO BAD! So, I asked my darling Christopher Robin to put some new music on my ipod and off to the gym I went. As I was,let's be honest, huffing and puffing is more like it...some tips came to me that I thought might help a new runner enjoy their experience more. Or at the very least, you might laugh a little and forget how tired you are for a nanosecond. Either way, it's a win-win!

Kanga-mom's Tips for a great running experience:

1. Ladies, you always, and I mean ALWAYS, should wear a very supportive sportsbra. Spend the money because the good ones are not cheap. Fashion is not your primary concern here. Immobilizing the girls is. The last thing you want are THOSE distracting you from your fabulous endorphin-filled activity.

2. Good supportive shoes are a must. Do NOT run in high tops, court shoes, or those trendy little fashion sneakers that are everywhere right now. Good running shoes can be expensive, but check out the outlet shops and watch for sales. Try them on and run in the store in them before you purchase a pair. Then replace them ever 6 months if you're running or walking in them regularly. Your knees and ankles will LOVE you!

3. Invest in some sort of audio device. MP3, Ipod, portable cd player, whatever works for you, but find something. This will get you through those tough miles, hills, and the sheer boredom that sets in at some point. I personally prefer fast paced music with a strong beat and do not like listening to people talk while I run. The glorious thing is that you can listen to whatever you want and customize your tunes to fit you. Just do it. You can thank me later.

4. Water, water, water. Drink plenty of it before, during, and after you run.

5. Eating something light within an hour before and after your run. A power bar, an apple, some sort of protein/carb combo that isn't too heavy and will fuel your energy and muscles while you exercise. If you don't you'll hit the wall and won't have any gas left in you to get you past it. After runs protein shakes are my favorite.

6. Stretch. Most people do not do this, yet this often forgotten activity will be what prevents injuries from occurring and will reduce soreness the next day. Slowly and gently stretch your muscles before you run and then again after your run as you cool down.

7. Start slow. Don't go out on your first day and try to run a marathon. Ease into it. Walk first, then run. Start small and then increase EITHER your distance OR your pace, but not both at the same time. There are a lot of good books and online tools available to help you with this process. Here are some links to get you started:

8. Phone a friend, or go solo, you decide. I like to run by myself so that I can get into "the zone", but if you work better with a friend then find someone who, like you, wants to feel the burn! If you're a people person and none of your friends are crazy like you, get online and look for running groups in your area to join. They're out there, and love new members.

9. Use your time running to mentally refresh. Praise the Lord for His amazing creation, work through your stress, plan out your day, or just space out and listen to tunes. It's all good.

10. Enjoy your endorphin "after-glow". Expect to feel tired, sore, maybe even a little bit sick to your stomach if you over did it, but you will also feel AMAZING! For me, there is no better way to relieve stress, and clear my head than to go on a run.

Have a great day!